Monday, 1 July 2013

Stay positive! Love yourself and be happy.

Hi everybody. So I am making this post because lately on Facebook, Twitter and life in general I hear so many people upset with little things about them and putting themselves down. I know that everybody does it ( including me) but seeing other people picking out bad things makes me a bit upset. I think people need to stay focused on the positive things about themselves and others because I know there is beauty and good things in everybody.

Although it is sometimes not easy to do, keep telling yourself the good things about you and never think of the negatives. It's especially difficult when you compare yourself to others - they could be nicer, prettier, more popular or just have something you might want. But you will always have something unique about yourself and be able to say "I love myself because..... I have a nice figure"( for example). There will be plenty of good things about YOU so don't think about anybody else and don't hold back, tell yourself what makes you special.

Even if you don't like things about yourself, it might be hard to understand , but you need to learn to be happy and love yourself. I can't say I love myself yet, but I'm trying to. I'm sure everybody has lovely things to compliment you with, which always cheers anybody up. Don't try to change yourself either, somebody out there loves or will love you for who you are and wouldn't want any different.

Try to smile through everything . Just smile , smile, smile! Also, don't care or listen to what anybody thinks about you if it's mean or negative because odds are they are jealous and have nothing better to do, so just remember that!

I'm sorry this was very wordy and full of content, but it's just something I thought I needed to share because it was on my mind. Hope you enjoyed this , and please take my advice if you agree. Remember - think positive, love yourself and be happy! :)

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